The Carnet de Passages en Douane (CPD) is the international customs document, which covers the temporary admission of motor vehicles.
The CPD is still required today, in numerous countries around the world, for temporary admission of private automobiles, commercial vehicles or other categories of motor vehicles. It facilitates the temporary importation of motor vehicles by providing security for the payment of any customs duties and import taxes chargeable, should the vehicle not be re-exported.
The Automobile Association is the only institution in South Africa that is able to issue carnets.
CLICK HERE for requirements and pricing.
Extensions of Carnet de Passages en Douane
Carnets issued for vehicles entering South Africa on a temporary basis are normally valid for one year. If the carnet holder wishes to keep the vehicle in SA for a further year, permission must be granted by the South African Revenue Service. This is arranged for you by the AA’s Head Office. The process is known as substitution.