by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Press releases
There are just over 11 million registered vehicles in South Africa (excluding caravans and trailers). According to statistics, the majority of these vehicles – around 60-70% are uninsured. This means that to keep you on the road, insurance is not a luxury, but a...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Blogs
Choosing the South African Car of the Year (COTY) is a long and intricate, but often misunderstood, process. Indeed, there are many local organisations, websites and publications that run their own Car of the Year competitions, rewarding anything from affordability to...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Press releases
Thirty-seven percent of South African motorists say they will still choose diesel vehicles over petrol vehicles even though recent studies show up to 38 000 people die prematurely as a result of diesel engines exceeding their stated emissions standards. This is one of...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Blogs
In July 2015 a law was introduced which requires passengers in a vehicle who are younger than three years of age to be in a child seat. Unfortunately, little has changed in the way many people transport children, with compliance among drivers apparently still very...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Press releases
The 52 cents a litre increase in the General Fuel and Road Accident Fund levies announced by Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba in today’s Budget Speech is cause for great concern. The increases amount to a total increase of 11 percent on the current levies from R4.78 to...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Blogs
You can make your Rand go further when travelling overseas, despite the current economic climate and exchange rate. By travelling smart, you can turn that dream overseas trip into a safe, smooth and affordable reality. Following these simple tips could make your Rand...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Blogs
Paternoster and the Cape West Coast: seaside romance South Africa’s western coastline is dotted with scenic beaches and small towns, with Paternoster amongst the oldest and the most picturesque. Just 145 kilometres from Cape Town, it offers visitors a vision of an...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Press releases
Fuel prices are set to drop in March as South Africans benefit from a stable exchange rate and lower international fuel prices. This is according to the unaudited month-end fuel data released by the Central Energy Fund. The Rand was trading at around R12.00 to the US...
by Automobile Association of South Africa | Dec 7, 2020 | Blogs
Planning a trip? Make sure that you’re familiar with the lock requirements of the country you intend to visit. If you plan on travelling to the US, make sure your luggage locks are TSA-approved. TSA-compliant locks are now mandatory in the US. The US’s...