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Love your car this February

February is the month of love, and the ideal time to show your partner how much you cherish them. It is also a good time to show how much you care for the other love in your life: your car. Regular car care is vital to ensuring your car operates optimally. And, perhaps more importantly, looking after your car will extend its good looks, and improve its resale value. Another important reason to...

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Show you care and take note of the do’s and don’ts of our South African national roads/freeways

Another way you can show your love to other road users is by making sure you keep to the rules while using the national roads/freeways. Regulation 323 of the National Road Traffic Act stipulates what a motorist must not do on our national freeways. Specifically, a motorist cannot use the following modes of transport: Operate a vehicle pulled by an animal A pedal cycle A motor cycle with a...

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Ten golden rules for road safety

Returning from holiday after a long break can be quite stressful for many drivers who have to begin renegotiating heavy morning and afternoon traffic again. At this time of the year it’s always a good idea to familiarise yourself with some basic road rules that keep you and your family safe on the road. A good starting point are the ten Golden Rules ffor road safety published by the...

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A pre-trip vehicle inspection made easy

Anyone who took the K53 driver’s licence test will also recall the tedious 30-point exterior and 8-point interior pre-trip vehicle inspection. This includes checking everything from the exterior mirrors and windscreen to the number plate, indicator lenses and seat belts. The day you passed the test was probably the last time you did such a thorough check of your car but all drivers should in...

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Get a car seat for your child – it’s the law

In July 2015 a law was introduced which requires passengers in a vehicle who are younger than three years of age to be in a child seat. Unfortunately, little has changed in the way many people transport children, with compliance among drivers apparently still very low. People who drive with children in their car who are not buckled up, or in child restraint seats, are risking the lives of these...

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Happy and safe driving in 2018!

With the holiday season over, road users should always remember the importance of driving a roadworthy vehicle. It is both dangerous and illegal to drive on a damaged tyre, or a tyre that has been fitted to the rim incorrectly, as these could pose danger to other road users. In terms of the law, the tread on tyres must be at least one mm deep across the tyre’s entire width over the full...

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South Africa’s road safety crisis: what is the answer?

While the official road fatality statistics for 2017 have not yet been released, the figures for the festive period from 1 December 2017 to 15 January 2018 have been made public. These show that 1676 people died on South African roads during the holidays. And, while this number is lower than the 1714 the previous year, it is still an unacceptable high number of people who have died on our roads....

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What safety features should you look for in a car?

It’s a new year and many school leavers will be going to tertiary institutions. Graduates are also starting their working careers. As a result, parents and young people will be looking to buy a first car. While aspects such as looks, specification levels and fuel consumption will undoubtedly play a role in the choice of vehicle, safety features should also be a key consideration. In 2016, the AA...

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Don’t be left stranded, plan ahead now for your festive holidays

It’s that time of the year again when South Africans across the country are putting the final touches on their annual vacation plans. Holidays in South Africa mean hundreds of thousands of people will be on the country’s roads, and we urge all motorists to also prepare themselves, and their vehicles, for this period. The annual summer holidays are a great time to relax and recover from the past...

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To Buy or Not to Buy – Private purchase of a Second Hand Vehicle.

Previous to the promulgation of the Consumer Protection Act, consumers had limited rights relayed to them in terms of purchasing a second hand vehicle especially in relation to the inclusion of a “voetstoots” clause which is the ambit under which most used motor vehicles were sold. A voetstoots clause which, in effect, stipulates that the property will be sold 'as is'. The effect of such a...

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How to avoid holiday accommodation scams?

You’ve been saving all year for your annual family vacation. You’ve found the ideal accommodation online and you’ve paid the deposit. However, upon your arrival you find that the establishment does not exist. You have not only lost the money you’ve paid but there is no other accommodation available. Read on to find out how you can avoid falling victim to holiday accommodation scams. Use the...

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The Automobile Association of South Africa

For over 90 years, we’ve provided you with roadside rescue and security, so you know you can rely on the Automobile Association day and night.

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Walking Safely to School project launched in Mamelodi to keep learners safe on the road

Joint project to roll-out countrywide in coming years The Automobile Association (AA) and ChildSafe South Africa, supported by international road safety charity the FIA Foundation and its Child Health Initiative (CHI), today take a significant step towards improving road safety in Mamelodi, Tshwane through the launch of the Walking Safely to School (WATCH) project. The project is further being supported and endorsed by the City of Tshwane, Gauteng Department of Education, and the Gauteng...

One and two star disappointment in latest African crash tests

​ Global NCAP’s crash test protocols assess frontal and side impact protection for all models, as well as Electronic Stability Control (ESC). Pedestrian protection and side pole impact protection assessments are required for vehicles scoring the highest star ratings. More information on the protocol requirements can be found on the Global NCAP web site: hVps://www.globalncap.org/resources The #SaferCarsforAfrica project is run in collaboration with the Automobile Association of South Africa...

Minor relief, if any, expected for fuel prices in August

Following two consecutive months of substantial fuel decreases, the tide appears to be turning and South Africans can expect either minor relief at the pumps in petrol prices and slight increases to diesel and paraffin prices in August. According to the Automobile Association (AA), current unaudited data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF) is indicating these trends at mid-month. These trends are likely to change as the month progresses. The current numbers are showing 95ULP down by around...